Bucket List

Here is our bucket list so far! Suggestions are welcome!!!

✔ Make ornaments
✔ Lick a sucker
✔ Watch Cars with big brother
✔ Read more with Daddy
✔ Go look at Christmas Lights
✔ Finger paint
✔ Take Christmas pictures
✔ Taste sweet potato baby food (Loved it!)
✔ Sit on Santa’s lap at Bass Pro Shop
✔ Pet the dogs
✔ Taste homemade applesauce
✔ Taste a donut
✔ Get a haircut
✔ Pictures in doggy Christmas jammies
✔ Record Lucas reading books
✔ Feed fish at zoo
✔ Go swimming
✔ Play on a slide
✔ Taste chocolate
✔ Open Christmas presents
✔ Take a picture (with help 🙂 )
✔ Go to SDC Christmas Festival
✔ See a full moon
✔ Watch Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer
✔ Watch How the Grinch Stole Christmas
✔ Watch A Charlie Brown Christmas
✔ Watch Frosty the Snowman
✔ Play with bubbles
✔ Go to Lucas’ birthday party
✔ Taste birthday cake
✔ Open birthday presents
✔ Taste ice cream
✔ Watch it snow
✔ Go down a slide
✔ Bring in the New Year
✔ Held a seashell/sand dollar
✔ Play in snow
✔ See fireworks
✔ Play in mud
✔ Play in the rain
✔ Feed giraffes
✔ Go on an Easter egg hunt
✔ Dye an Easter egg
✔ Feel sand in between toes
✔ Play with play-doh
✔ Make a garden stone
✔ Pictures in Sweden shirts from Daddy
✔ Celebrate Mommy’s birthday (March 14)
✔ Make and fly paper airplanes
✔ Taste hot chocolate
Plant a seed
Plant a flower for mom
Make canvas of hands & feet
Toast marshmallows by a fire
Throw a ball
Fly a kite
Ride a pony
Build a blanket fort with big brother
Shadow puppets

Postcards (and other items) can be sent to: Logan Ruth  PO Box 113  Strafford, MO 65757

27 thoughts on “Bucket List

  1. Get puppy kisses
    Plant a flower for mom for mother’s day (every day is mother’s day)
    Make a mud pie

    Sending love and good wishes.



  2. Sweet boy that’s a great bucket list. Maybe you could feed some ducks as well.. I think you would be entertained 🙂 Hang in there. You have a lot of people praying for you. I found out about you through your mom’s BBC board. Lots of hugs Logan.


  3. Maybe have his first Valentine ;), make a fort with his brother (with help), lick the beater after Mom makes a cake, help decorate a christmas cookie

    I’ll be sending you a post card, and my friend will send one from cologne & spain during his travels.

    Hugs** to you momma, hang in there.


  4. I am a May 2012 mommy and I love that you are make sure Logan has all of these experiences. I am part of a May 2012 facebook group with members from all over the world. They should be helping with the postcards!


  5. Logan is so lucky to have you as parents. I admire your upbeat, inspiring approach and wish you the absolute greatest of things moving forward.


  6. I have a fee different things i could do so i need help to decide which the family would prefer… i can send a postcard – i live in Delaware – i also work at aircraft store and we sell garden stones and playdoo sets i can have each employee sign a card with the latter two items but need some ideas as to what mom and dad want?… Please let me know, jmholcomb09@gmail.com
    Jennifer MICHALLE


  7. Just wanted to let you know I have shared your bucket list on my business facebook page and have lots of people that plan to send you postcards from all over the country and even from Europe! http://www.facebook.com/mousehousecreations
    I am a big supporter of SMA research because of a dear friend that went through it with her son 5 years ago. My thoughts are with you and your family.



  8. Every little boy needs a picture with a fire truck! Call your local fire department. If you explain the situation they might be able to even bring a truck to your house. If not, maybe you could arrange to stop to/from one of Logan’s doctor appointments and they could have the truck ready, it would only take a moment.


  9. how about:

    Lick a popsicle
    Make a trace of his hand
    Play hide and seek
    Make a fort with blankets and pillows
    play a board game with the family


  10. I’m on your BBC group and think of Logan daily. Here are a few more ideas:
    Hold a balloon (or have it tied to his wrist)
    Watch a fire crackle in the fireplace
    Go star gazing


  11. The next time you are in St. Louis you should stop by the Science Center. Not only do they have a dinosaur display, but they also have a build a bear dino store 🙂


  12. Some ideas:
    Visit an aquarium
    Appear on Ellen (tv show)
    Ride an elephant
    Ride in a hot air balloon
    Visit a petting zoo

    And I would gladly send a post card from Arkansas if you still need one!


  13. I have been following your FB page for months now and felt compelled to reach out to you. Every night I lift Logan and your family up in prayer, always praying for a miracle to occur. My heart just melts when I see his precious smile in the photos you post! God knew what he was doing when he picked you to be Logan’s Momma. Your courage, strength and perseverance in the face of adversity is to be commended. I have several ideas I’d like to share for Logan’s bucket list:

    1. Feel the grass between his toes, catch a butterfly, watch a ladybug land on his arm (I live in St. Louis, go to the Butterfly House where it is always springtime).
    2. Plant perinnials to come back year after year, tulips, rosebushes and a redbud tree.
    3. Go on a hayride, feel the warmth of a crackling fire, roast hotdogs and marshmellows. For dessert, of course, apple pie!
    4. Swim with the dolphins in the Bahamas (I’m not sure if this is practical but the Dream Factory could certainly grant this amazing wish!)
    5. Go to a Cardinals game, Opening Day is April 8th, I had the honor of working with Mr. Musial over the years. I am FB friends with his grandson, Brian Schwarze, who I know would set up a meet and greet with the players. Just let me know if your “game”!
    6. Blow a dandelion into the wind.
    7. Wear bunny ears, make a bunny cake decorated with coconut and jelly beans.
    8. Drink Kool-aid, taste a hotdog and savor in the smell/feel of buttered popcorn.
    9. Go to school with Lucas and create a masterpiece with the Art Teacher for Mommy & Daddy.
    10. Arts & Crafts – Make a homemade frame out of macaroni noodles, glitter, fruit loops, ect.
    11. Color with crayons, play with silly puddy, lincoln logs and legos.
    12. Play in a creek, hold a frog, find a turtle.
    13. Dance the Bunny Hop, Hokey Pokey and the duck dance.
    14. Say the Pledge of Allegiance in front of the flag blowing in the breeze.
    15. Play dress up with Daddy’s clothes, wear his favorite tie and put on cologne.

    May the good Lord provide you precious time to accomplish all the dreams you have for your son. Each day is a blessing with new adventures to take place, God’s speed Logan!!! ❤


  14. I want you to know how Logan’s story has touched me. I have a great appreciation for your family. I too have learned to live life one moment at a time, acceptance is the key. I think Logan is so beautiful, I know there is nothing really to say. The only words I know is that LOVE is the key to all and I know Logan has LOVE. May you have peace, praying for your family.


  15. I love the idea of planting a tree. Maybe a Japanese Maple. Fly a kite. Puppy kisses on the cheek. Swing kn a baby swing outside. Paint a picture. Visit a pond and feed the duckies. Oh momma, everyday I hug my Katie a lil tighter, (born 07/12) andthink of you and your family. You inspire me to be a better momma. Thank you for all the inspiring updates. As always, lifting Logan and family in prayer.


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